The South African e-Learning Revolution

Technology is changing the way we see education in Africa. African economies are growing and e-learning Africa offers a unique vantage point from which to see and understand the transformation of a continent –

e-Learning has been a growing force for educational development in Africa since 2005 . It’s development was sparked by the introduction of a range of internet connectivity options to many African countries. This, combined with a sore need for quality, accessible education across the vastness of the African Continent created the perfect gap for e-learning to flourish.


The development of e-learning in South Africa has been slower than that of the rest of Africa, possibly partly because of poor/unaffordable internet availability. Recently however, we have seen an explosion of development, with Vodacom leading the charge so far.

They have recently launched the Vodacom e-School to enable learners across South Africa to access educational material on their cellphones, tablets or laptops. This online educational tool for learners in Grades 8 – 12 gives lessons and assignments matching the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements. This means that it’s taken directly from the school syllabus – and allows learners without access to schools to complete their high school education. In a country that needs more skilled members of the workforce, this is a sorely needed initiative.

Bangula has been lucky to work on several e-learning projects. We have assisted with the development of lessons and homework answers and the translation of educational content into official South African languages including Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans. It has been extremely exciting for us to to be involved in furthering education in South Africa, particularly in other official South African languages.

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