Happy Spring Day (Newsletter archives 2)

3 months ago we put together the first Bangula Newsletter.

Filled with intriguing blog articles on language, branding and media straight to your mailbox.

We also threw in language facts, branding news, opinions on some of our favourite articles and some funnies – to great reception!

After all our positives reviews we’re releasing our newsletter as archives on our blog. You can subscribe to our latest editions at info@new.ilconsultancy.com Make the subject line ‘Newsletter’ and hit send.
This Month\’s Bangula Blog Articles:

 When Mist Becomes Manure: Professional Translation Could Save Your Brand – Available here

Why Blog? – Available here

The Top Drivers of Brand Success in 2013 – Available here


Monthly Funnies:























‪#languagefacts : Language with the fewest irregular verbs: Esperanto (none)

‪#languagefacts : Language which has won the most Oscars: Italian (12 Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film)

#languagefacts : Languages have existed since about 100,000 BC, and there are now around 6000 languages spoken in the world


Our Favourite Links for the Month:

250,000 super bouncy balls, 23 camera people, a hill in San Francisco and a colourful imagination makes one amazing Sony ad!


The best digital campaigns of 2012



Having problems with your intern? It’s not that bad – have a look at the 10 worst interns ever!



An amazing collection of the worlds 40 most powerful photos:

Which one is your favourite?
