Using fast marketing translation services can help your business stand out from the rest, and enable you to get the recognition you need. With an increase in technology, marketing to the global market has never been easier, and it can benefit your business tremendously. We interact with brands on such a fast-paced level, that marketing schemes have become quite competitive.
If you are planning to expand your business in a different country, or entice international clients, IL Consultancy can offer you the services needed to do so. In just a short read, we’ll cover exactly what fast marketing translation services are, as well as look at the benefits these services offer when growing your business globally.
What Are Fast Marketing Translation Services?
Fast marketing translation services involve translating advertising material, campaigns, and any content used to market your brand. It is not as simple as direct translation, as there are often many nuances in marketing copywriting which are difficult to translate. It’s highly important to have qualified, professional translators when it comes to marketing translation, as the text needs to be translated in a way that still portrays your brand identity and the correct message.
When marketing translation is done for an international audience, many factors need to be taken into consideration. A marketing translator should have a cultural understanding of your clients. Often slogans, captions, and idioms aren’t easily translated into a different language, and it is up to your translator to ensure the message of your copy is not lost in translation. IL Consultancy offers professional and reliable fast marketing translation services to help your brand expand, and gain attraction from a wide audience.
Marketing material to translate can include the following:
- The copy which appears on product packaging
- Social media posts and captions
- Brochures, flyers, and posters
- Slogans
- Your brand website
- Any other form of advertising you use
How Can Fast Marketing Translation Services Grow Your Business Globally?
The effective translation of your marketing materials is advantageous for any business, no matter how big or small. Whether you’re selling services or products, getting yourself on the map sometimes only happens with good advertising. Consumers are more likely to pay attention to advertisements that appear in their language. Some research has shown that you can increase the sales of a product by up to 70% when marketing it in your target customer\’s language. The following are the top benefits of fast marketing translation services for your business:
It gives your company an international presence
This is extremely beneficial if you are hoping to expand your business and reach a wider audience. If your company is marketed as a global company, it doesn’t necessarily mean your clients will immediately grasp this. Showing clients you are making the effort to reach them in their language can help you integrate your brand into an international audience. It can give you a stronger presence across different cultures once your clients see the effort you’ve put in to reach them personally, and this can be a great way to gain trust with your clients.
It Improves customer satisfaction
Every company strives for happy customers who keep coming back, and sometimes this takes a lot of effort and planning. Language plays a large role in customer satisfaction, and portraying your brand in your client\’s language is a great way to ensure your brand is being inclusive, boosting your customer satisfaction. If your customers can engage with your content in a familiar language, it makes your brand more appealing and they are more likely to walk away with a good experience.
Customer satisfaction is important for customer conversion and brand loyalty. Unsatisfied customers won’t return and support your brand again. A high customer satisfaction rate can improve the international reputation of your brand, and ensure good sales in the long run.
It can start conversations
Communication is one of the driving forces behind a successful business, and this doesn’t only mean one-way communication. Your clients need to be able to reach out to you when necessary too. Portraying your brand in your audience\’s language can help them feel comfortable, and make it easier to start conversations. This is a great way to entice prospective new customers to your business, especially if you are a new presence within a global market.
Stand out from your competition
From the benefits we’ve listed above, it’s easy to see the importance of fast marketing translation services. More and more companies are beginning to prioritise marketing translation in their marketing schemes. It’s easy to quickly get left behind in the fast-paced world of marketing. Therefore, making sure you’re keeping up with marketing translation trends will prevent you and your business from getting left behind, and keep you in the competition. Going the extra mile and translating your content with a high-quality service will help you stand out from your competitors.
It can promote search engine optimization (SEO) for your online website
Localising your website by translating it into multiple languages can improve your SEO strategy, and increase your customer engagement. You may be able to increase international traffic coming through your website, by enticing clients in a different language. The more languages your website becomes available in, the bigger the increase in traffic to your website.
What Are The Current Trends In Fast Marketing Translation Services?
Trends come and go ever so quickly, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile, and taking advantage of current trends can greatly benefit your business. Trends allow your business to constantly adapt, and be influenced by the public. Adapting your advertising campaigns and marketing strategies to keep up to date with the latest trends can prevent stagnation in your brand.
Marketing trends have changed somewhat after the pandemic, with agile working environments coming into play and more platforms moving online. This means an increase in online advertising. The use of marketing translation to grow your business on a global level is now more important than ever before. The following are some top marketing translation trends becoming popular in brand advertising.
- Changing copy to keep the brand message: As mentioned above, translating marketing material can sometimes mean a lot of the text needs to be altered to convey the brand message accurately.
- Machine translation: This is done online by platforms such as “google translate” to cut costs for some businesses, but it is not accurate and comes with its setbacks.
- Post-editing: After machine translation, companies need to get their work edited by a professional translation service to ensure the copy is of high quality.
- Translating videos and subtitles: This is becoming increasingly popular as many platforms move online.
- Translating podcasts and voiceovers.
Why Should I Use Professional Fast Marketing Translation Services?
Using a professional translation service offered by our team at IL Consultancy is necessary when it comes to translating your marketing content. Your advertisements or social media presence is often the first glimpse an international market will have of your business, so you need to ensure your original voice and message are kept clear.
IL Consultancy offers fast marketing translation services that are efficient and tailored to your prospective audience so that you can present your business confidently to a global market. The following are just a few benefits of using professional translation services over machine translation or doing it yourself.
Professional translators can translate any material with better accuracy. This is especially important when it comes to your business, as you need to ensure you portray yourself as a professional. A client won’t take you seriously if there are inconsistencies in your marketing content, or if your website is difficult to understand.
Native speakers improve localisation
Merely translating your content accurately is sometimes not enough, you need to localise your content too. Localising your content is made easier with a translation company. Most professional translation services can offer native-speaking translators, who can translate your content with a good understanding of the culture of your targeted global audience. This means your content is made suitable for specific countries and cultures.
You can be recognised worldwide
Because professional translators ensure your content stays true to the voice of your brand, it’s much easier for your company to be recognised worldwide. It’s easy to remember slogans and catchy phrases in your native language, so your company can stand out in people\’s memories. Professional translators will ensure humour is kept the same in your marketing content, and accurate jargon is used when necessary.
Feel at ease
Using IL Consultancy’s translation services means you’ll be working with a team of qualified professionals, so you can feel at ease knowing you’ll be well looked after. Our translators are efficient and reliable even with the most complicated projects. Prioritising a professional translation service can take the pressure off of your marketing efforts, knowing you will receive quality content.
Other Tips To Grow Your Business Globally
Translation plays a large role in your business expansion, but there are also other ways to grow your business internationally that you can consider. Be willing to adapt and use as much as possible to find the best solutions for your business. If you are running a small or midsize business and working on expanding, the following tips might help you get the push you need.
Don’t go international until you’re ready: Many companies make the mistake of rushing into an international market, and if you’re not completely ready it can be disastrous. You need to ensure your business is successful in your current market, and that you’re able to resolve any current issues before expanding.
Understand the market you are entering: The importance of thorough market research is paramount to your success. It\’s highly recommended to do a lot of research before expanding your business internationally, you may need to change your strategies in a new market, or alter your products and services to suit a global audience.
Ensure you have enough funding: Although this may seem obvious, many companies make the mistake of creating a bad financial strategy. Different countries often have different financial laws when it comes to the costs involved in your business, or taxation. Ensure you research this thoroughly before leaping into a global market. With exchange rates varying, it can also become extremely costly to expand your business, so ensure you budget as accurately as possible for a better chance of success.
Communicate cultural differences: Once you understand a certain culture, it can be easier to understand their consumer behaviour. Adjusting the way your business operates to adapt to cultural differences can help your business be accepted into a new country.
Implementing these strategies, along with high-quality marketing translation, can help your business skyrocket to a new level of success. Allow one of our language experts at IL Consultancy to assist you and your business growth today. With a fast turnaround time, you’ll be able to reach your target audience in no time.